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  • How a Monkey got 500k Subscribers in 7 Days.

How a Monkey got 500k Subscribers in 7 Days.

Proving a Marketing Professor wrong!

In my last email I shared a link of an instagram reel, when it was yet to blowup, and at that time even I hadn’t thought it would become so BIG!! So here I am back, writing a complete article on that.

Here’s the viral reel I shared and the story behind it! Do checkout the amazing comments as well.

It even got celebs jumping on the bandwagon, getting the approval from Social Media Genius, Tai Lopez.

Why it worked

Well, it could be sum up in just 27 words on Marketing Psychology, from Brian Warren!

People will do anything for those who…

  • Encourage their dreams

  • Justify their failures

  • Allay their fears

  • Confirm their suspicions

  • And help throw rocks at their enemies

-Brian Warren

People either want to push people up or bring then down! This simple reel appealed with both of those.There were some folks who wanted to see a student succeed while some used it as a way to of get back to their own professor and prove them wrong! And obviously the ape pic with o haters and sick music helped keep the audience engaged.

An achievable goal: The page didn’t start-out with something greedy such as getting a million followers, it gave a more realistic target of 50k subs, making the viewers feel that their follow can make a difference!

Most Important!! The video gave a clear CTA “To Follow“, which is also highest on instagrams engagement algorithm which decides which videos to push organically.

Sometimes we marketers overcomplicate things whenever we decide on running a campaign or growing a new acquisition channel and forget we are selling to humans and appealing to their emotions and psychology might be a better(& easier) way to grow.

The above is also a reminder that we all have this power to do stuff like this if we just stop doubting ourselves, get out there and try amazing stuff.

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